00066 -Antígona os prestará su dignidad. Reflexiones en torno a Antígona en Nueva York de Janusz Glowacki.

00066 -Antígona os prestará su dignidad. Reflexiones en torno a Antígona en Nueva York de Janusz Glowacki.
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02 Novembre 2017
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Key words: Janusz Glowacki, Antigone, Greek tragedy, classical tradition, New York, American theatre

The tragedy of people forced to emigrate to distant countries to seek personal safety and a decent livelihood is in itself a weighty topic – even without associating it with the illustrious name Antigone – above all when death and an indecent burial affect not an immigrant but a native citizen with full civil rights. However, the author makes able dramatic use of the heroic defence of humanity and justice for which the mythical Greek heroine is well known. His play is thus an adroit exercise in analogous themes guaranteed to tug at the conscience of spectators and readers, opening their eyes to the dignity of the unprotected of our times and of time immemorial.