00274 - John Addington Symonds. A Problem in Greek Ethics. ¿El Erótico de Plutarco reducido a algunas notas a pie de página? ¿Por qué?
00274 - John Addington Symonds. A Problem in Greek Ethics. ¿El Erótico de Plutarco reducido a algunas notas a pie de página? ¿Por qué?
92.10 kB
Pau Gilabert Barberà
01 Enero 2004
1 x
Key words: John Addington Symonds, A Problem in Greek Ethics, Greek homosexuality, Plutarch’s Eroticus, Greek philosophy, gay studies, Greek love, Greek eros, Greek pederasty
It is certainly astonishing that an innovating study about the Greek pederasty in England like the one by John Addington Symonds does not quote Plutarch's Eroticus -in fact, it is only cited in some footnotes-, if one bears in mind that this dialogue is an accurate philosophical reflection on Greek eros, in which very often significant ethical themes are approached. The aim of this article is just to reveal the different reasons for such an omission.