00173 - “Classicisme versus Medievalisme a l’Anglaterra Victoriano-Eduardina; A Room with a View d’E. M. Forster com a exemple"

00173 - “Classicisme versus Medievalisme a l’Anglaterra Victoriano-Eduardina; A Room with a View d’E. M. Forster com a exemple"
File Size:
293.09 kB
Pau Gilabert Barberà
01 January 2002
11 x

Key words: A Room with a View, classicism, English literature, Victorian literature, mediaevalism, Greek myhology, classical tradition, English novel, E. M. Forster

The aim of this article is to illustrate the well-known opposition classicism / medievalism in the Victorian-Edwardian England by analysing accurately E. M. Forster's A Room with a View from the point of view of the Classical Tradition and, therefore, focusing on both the meaning and significance of all its classical -Greek and Roman- references.