00124 - Antihelenismo y anticlasicismo en la obra de Oscar Wilde. El polo opuesto de una mente paradójica

00124 - Antihelenismo y anticlasicismo en la obra de Oscar Wilde. El polo opuesto de una mente paradójica
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Pau Gilabert Barberà
01 January 2005
10 x

Key words: anti-classicism, anti-hel·lenism, English literature, Victorian literature, paradox, classical tradition,  Oscar Wilde

Thanks to a powerful intellectual weapon, paradox, Oscar Wilde also discovers the dark side of both Classicism and Hellenism. An accurate analysis of his works from the point of view of the Classical Tradition shows an Oscar Wilde who is quite different from the usual Philhellenic one and, above all, from the Platonic one. The aim of this article is to approach a theme which has been hardly studied by classical philologists, that is, anti-classicism and anti-hellenism as an intellectual urge.